Vacuum Tube High Frequency-Induction Welders
High Frequency induction welding accounts for the majority of welded tubing produced worldwide, yet it is still a largely misunderstood process. Part of the
reason is that the process is very forgiving, however a thorough understanding of it can lead to higher product yields and quality.
Principals of Operation
Induction welding is a form of Electrical Resistance
Welding (ERW) in which the large rotary transformer
common in low frequency ERW is replaced
by a “virtual transformer” consisting of the work coil
(primary winding) and the tube itself (secondary
winding). A ferromagnetic core inside the tube has a
similar role to the laminated iron core in a conventional
Current flowing in the coil causes a magnetic field to
develop surrounding the coil, part of which intersects
with the open tube. This causes an electric field on
the outer surface of the tube which in turn creates a
voltage difference across the edges of the strip. At the
frequencies used for induction welding, the interaction
between electric and magnetic fields can cause
currents to flow in unexpected ways. The “skin
effect” confines current to within a few thousanths of
an inch of the surface, so the voltage across the strip
edges tends to cause current to flow circumfrentially
around the inside surface of the tube in the opposite
direction to the induced current on the outside
Because the faying edges of the strip are in close
proximity to one another from the coil to the apex of
the vee, they have a very low value of inductance,
and it is inductance rather than resistance that
governs current flow at high frequencies. This is
sometimes refered to as “proximity effect”.
It can be seen from this that there are two main
paths along which current can flow when a voltage is
applied or induced across the edges of the strip. The
key to operating a high frequency welder efficiently is
to direct the majority of the current along the faying
edges where it does useful work in heating them, and
minimise the wasteful parasitic current that flows
around the inside surface of the tube.This is done by
making the impedance of the vee low relative to that
of the I.D. surface.
Vee Length
Vee length depends on coil position, and to some extent on coil length, since heating starts to occur even before the strip enters the coil.
Coil position is usually determined by the diameter and size of the weld roll box, whereas coil length is generally dictated by the matching capabilities of the welder.
There are two factors involved here:-
- The high efficiency of induction welding is
due to the fact that only a very small mass of metal is heated. Increasing the vee length allows more time
for heat to be conducted away from the edges, so
more energy is needed & a wider heat affected zone
The distribution of current between the vee
and the inside surface of the tube depends on the
relative impedances of the two circuits. A longer vee
has a higher impedance, which directs more of the
available current around the inside of the tube. This
is particularly important when welding small diameter
tubing, since the small space available for impeders
limits their effectiveness. There are several schools of thought regarding
optimum vee length, but all agree that minimum
electrical power is used with short vee lengths and
short work coils. Power distribution across the edge
face of the strip is fairly even, however there is less
thermal conduction away from the corners, which
may result in their overheating before the center of
the edge reaches forging temperature. This tendency
can be reduced by increasing the vee length, or by
lowering the welder frequency (more on this later),
so optimum vee length is more a function of wall
thickness than it is of diameter. As a general rule, I
recommend using a minimum length vee & the
shortest practical work coil unless there is evidence of
uneven temperature distribution. If the weld tends to
be cold in the center, the coil should be moved back
the minimum distance needed to correct the problem.
Because the weld rolls are usually made of steel (D2
or H13), they will heat up readily due eddy currents
induced in them by the work coil. This sets the
minimum acceptable clearance between coil & rolls.
Non magnetic (ceramic or Ampco 25 bronze) or weakly magnetic (Tungsten carbide) rolls will reduce
roll heating
Work coils
Current flowing through the work coil establishes a
magnetic field that causes energy to be induced into
the tube. Coil current increases with weld power &
decreases with frequency, but at any frequency used
for induction welding, the currents are in the order
of hundreds, to thousands of amps. This current all
travels close to the coil surface due to the high frequency
skin effect, so coils must be designed and
made to handle these extremely high currents with
minimum losses. We have seen solid state welders
with quoted efficiencies of 90% or better degraded to
less than 60% because of poor work coil design.
Vacuum tube welders are more forgiving of poor coil
construction because most operate at higher voltages
& lower currents, but well designed & manufactured
coils will still save thousands of dollars in energy
costs each year.